Tuesday, March 23, 2010


One of the trickiest things to deal with post-break up is “reclaiming yourself” so to speak. For example, you rediscover your friends. I’m talking the great ones that don’t hold grudges because you all but disappear from the land of the living with your boo. You get back to doing the things that only you enjoy doing — out in the open, without fear of getting strange looks from your significant other.

You will also have to adjust to sleeping alone again, cooking for one, and having to find a “plus one” for parties. Sounds slightly depressing, doesn’t it? Whether you were the dumper or dumpee, you are probably dealing with some kind of emotion. Guys, you can call it something else, if you want to, but you go through “something” too!

What are the best ways to deal with break-ups? I am referring to the bad breakups that make you feel as if you’ve gone a couple of rounds with Pacquiao – except you actually landed tough punches.

How do you adjust to life after ? Does it help when you are able to forge a friendship with the person? Is that even a good idea?

Your turn: What is the best way to handle a break up?

A. Start dating again. Immediately.
B.Emergency dating hiatus.
C. Find a new hobby, like sky-diving.

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