Friday, April 30, 2010



Fungua tuone yaliyomo...

Davidn Minja- TBL explaining about the new product...

Mama Consolata Adam...better known now as Mama Grand Malt...

Exsol's Mike...T.C Zaunnnnnnnnnnnn! and Shane from Precision air Magazine...and ofcourse yours truly!


Invited guests...

Kampuni ya Bia Tanzania (TBL) leo imezindua kinywaji chake kipya cha Grand Malt ambacho hakina kilevi.

“Kinywaji hiki kipya kitaisaidia TBL kuwa na ushindani wa hali ya juu katika vinywaji vingine visivyo na kilevi kutokana na ubora na ladha yake,” alisema Mkurugenzi wa Masoko wa TBL,David Minja wakati wa hafla ya uzinduzi wa kinywaji hicho katika Hoteli ya City Garden – Gerezani jijini Dar es Salaam.

Kinywaji hicho kimetengenezwa kwa maji,sukari,shayiri,lactose na vitamini huku kikiwa na ujazo wa mililita 330 katika kopo. Bei ya rejareja iliyopendekezwa na TBL ni Sh. 1,000 kwa kopo na Sh. 19,200 kwa katoni moja yenye makopo 24.

Minja alisema, Grand Malt ni kinywaji cha kipekee kutokana na ukweli kwamba kina vitamini pamoja na mchanganyiko wa maziwa.

Alisema kinywaji hicho kinawafaa wafanyakazi wenye shughuli nyingi lakini pia kinafaa kwa matumizi ya nyumbani, wafanyakazi wa usiku, wanafunzi, vikao vya kibiashara na sherehe nyinginezo.

Meneja wa TBL anayeshughulika na Bidhaa za Kimataifa,Consolata Adam alisema, “Kinywaji hiki lazima kizibe pengo la vinywaji visivyo na kilevi na bei yake inakwenda sambamba na vinywaji vingine vilivyopo sokoni.”

Alisema kinywaji hicho kimekuwa kikiuzwa katika sehemu nyingine Duniani na kutokana na hilo,TBL iliona haja ya kukizindua nchini Tanzania.

Consolata aliongeza kuwa Grand Malt ni kinywaji ambacho kinawafaa hata wanywaji wa pombe.

Kwa mujinbu wa meneja huyo, uzinduzi umeanzia Dar es Salaam na utaendelea katika mikoa mingine nchini hivi karibuni.

Kampuni ya Bia Tanzania (TBL) ni watengenezaji na wauzaji wa bia, vinywaji vya matunda vyenye asili ya kilevi (AFB’s) na visivyo na kilevi ndani ya Tanzania. TBL inazo hisa pia katika Tanzania Distilleries Limited na kampuni shirika, Mountainside Farms Limited.

Bia maarufu za TBL ni pamoja na Safari, Kilimanjaro, Ndovu Special Malt na Castle.
Vinywaji vingine vya TBL ni Konyagi Gin, Amarula Cream, Redds Premium Cold.

TBL imo pia katika Soko la Hisa la Dar es Salaam na imeajiri watu kiasi cha 1,300 huku ikiwa na wawakilishi katika sehemu kubwa na Tanzania na viwanda vitatu vya bia na depot nane kwa ajili ya kusambazia bia na vinywaji vingine vya kampuni hiyo.

Kwa mawasiliano zaidi

Consolata Adam
TBL, Meneja Bidhaa za Kimataifa,
+255 767 266 766,

Michael Mukunza,
Executive Solutions Limited,
+255 784 978 302,


Aiseee..ndo kikosi chetu sie....chezeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sisi....

Mkoa wa Arusha umetangaza kikosi chake cha Mount Meru Worrious kitakachoshiriki kombe la Taifa “Kili Taifa Cup 2010”.
Wachezaji walitangazwa na timu zao katika mabano.

Walinda Mlango.
Aldina Hashimu (AFC),Abdul Maulid (United boys) na Badi Abdul (Bishop Durning).

Mabeki wa kulia.
Salum Ngaga na Andrew Carlos (AFC), Nassor Zuber (JKT Oljoro), Makungu Slim (Bishop Durning), Sheshe Mka (Mbuni) na Ally Nassor (United Boys).

Mabeki wa kushoto na kati.
Razak Muhidin na Said Malima(AFC), Mgona Kifaru (Flamingo) na Godfrey Kimathi (Boshop Durning). Walinzi wa nyuma ni Machogori Yusuph (JKT), Bakari Mkuu (Mbuni), Nurdin Mchomvu (JKT) na Msumi
Ally (AFC).

Wachezaji wa kati .
Sanga Ngomelo (Flamingo) Mahsen Salimu (Moro United), Habibu Mhina (Azam FC), Essau Mwaseba, Jimmy Shoji, Hilal Bingwa na Mussa Babu wote wa AFC , Jackson Mkema (JKT Oljoro), Kervin Friday(Flamingo) na Zakayo Joseph (Boshop Durning).

Washambuliaji .
Bakari Kigodeko (AFC), Shabuka Mohamed (JKT Oljoro), Mohamed Shabani, Kado Hassan (Bishop Durning), Francis Dafa (Toto Afrika), Abdallah Juma (Kagera Sugar), Jacob Tata (Flamingo) na David Mwantobe (Mtibwa Sugar).

Mount Meru Worrious ipo kundi moja na jirani zao Manyara, Kilimanjaro na Mara.

CHINA CHINA CHINA...what hart thou?

The 2010 World Expo is about to open in Shanghai in what China hopes will be further proof of its rising global influence.

More than 180 countries and international organisations are showcasing their culture in an event themed around sustainable development.

Many are doing in so in pavilions with radical architecture.

World leaders, including France's President Sarkozy, are attending the opening ceremony.

The city has increased security measures drastically in preparation for the event.

An additional 8,000 police officers have been brought in to help Shanghai's 46,000-strong police force to patrol the city, Chinese state media says.

'Oppressive' security

Residents living near the Expo site have complained about oppressive security measures.

"It's just not convenient to get in and out any more," Dong, a local resident, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.

Markets have been closed down to build Expo car parks, he added.

Six people who protested about having their homes destroyed to make room for the Expo have been sent to labour camps, the Hong-Kong based Chinese Human Rights Defenders were quoted as saying by AP.

Last week police seized four computers belonging to activist Feng Zhenghu, who had been trying to set up an alternative online Expo, highlighting alleged miscarriages of justice, the BBC's Chris Hogg in Shanghai says.

The Expo is seen as an opportunity for countries to try to win favour with the Chinese, our correspondent adds.

Speaking at a press conference in Beijing on Thursday, President Sarkozy - whose relationship with China has been testy after he criticized a Chinese security crackdown in Tibet in 2008 - said France and China would "think and work together".

OOPPSSS! I did it again!

she looks so hang over!

Lohan -- who is on probation for DUI -- has not fulfilled the alcohol education requirement laid down by the judge ... TMZ has learned.

Judge Marsha Revel made it clear to Lindsay late last year, she must attend alcohol ed courses once every 7 days. The only exception -- if she was in inpatient rehab. And the judge was explicit ... if Lindsay did not comply with the terms of probation, she was going to jail.

The school in which Lindsay enrolled is required by state law to inform the court only if the student is MIA for 21 days. So here's the disconnect: The school has not reported an attendance violation ... because Lindsay frequently waited until the 21st day to attend classes.

Bottom line -- Lindsay met the school's requirement, but squarely violated the judge's order.

We've learned what's going to come out at Lindsay's progress hearing on May 20 -- that she has habitually violated the judge's requirement to attend classes at least once every 7 days.

Judge Revel has made it clear to Lindsay -- no more chances. If probation is violated, she's going to jail ... and probation was repeatedly violated.

We asked Lindsay's lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, for comment and received the following email: "We have received no negative written report from the program and contend Ms. Lohan is therefore in compliance." Good lawyering for sure, because -- as we just told you -- the program may not have a problem with Lindsay, but the judge is going to have a big problem.

Read more:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

10 Reasons Why African Men DON’T ROCK


By Mubita C. Nawa
As the world focuses on Africa this year for the world cup, Africa needs to take a closer look at its men and their leadership roles in Africa and beyond.
In a continent where half the men do not know their daughters birthday, their wedding anniversary or the menstrual cycles of their wives, there is a reason these men are the way they are.
It is not for the lack of brilliance. These men know the shoe sizes of Diego Maradona, Ronaldo, and Kaka, the shirt number of the world’s most expensive player and the width of the river Nile. But they are disconnected socially from their mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and in some cases from their fellow men. These men look happy, but the women in their lives are miserable.

This article is not an indictment against Africa’s great men who are standing in the gap and being great husbands, statesmen, brothers and fathers. This article recognizes that such men are there. The trouble is they are the exception rather than the rule.

The hope is that this article will spark a dialogue that will positively affect the next generation so that they are better than the current one. To be a real man after all is not about being closed away from the world you live in, but possessing a worldview that seeks to understand not only sport and nature, but the opposite sex.

1. They Don’t Communicate: They do not just get it. They only speak when they are angry and when they do they yell and shout. They don’t know how to say sorry unless it is to the revenue authority, the police officer and the fire marshal. Their own communications have no emotion or connectivity. They can talk about bridges and high story buildings but not talk about the stories behind the people who built those buildings.

2. They are Too Angry: They have not seen a Psychologist in years. To an African man, the dread of seeing a counselor is the equivalent to a woman’s dread before a visit to the gynecologist.

3. They Love Sex but Hate Romance: Romance is a waste of time. Romance is just another 8th wonder galloping a tourist money and time. Sex for an African man is like a science project whose apparatus change depending on the mood. So the rule of thumb is, “Get it done as soon as you can, get in and get out and make some children while at it.”

4. They Don’t Respect Women: Don’t ask her how her day was, but ask her if dinner is ready. She must respect you but you must never respect her. The only time you respect her is when you are in the presence of her relatives but as soon as you are the two of you, call her all kinds of names as long as they are NOT ‘Sweety, Lovie, Baby or Honey.’

5. They Treat Women like Slaves: The harder she works, the more womanly she is. She must work until her face wrinkles. She must work until her hands blister. She must work until she has no desire to look beautiful for anyone. Some men have never even cooked for their wives or for their children.
6. Too Much Soccer, Too much Politics: If the passion an African man puts in his soccer and his politics was the same passion he put in his woman, the African woman would be ecstatic.

7. Don’t Know what to do with Children: An African man has the libido, energy and sex drive to father an entire village of children, but he does not know how to raise those children. He does not know how to show up at the child’s graduation day, sports day, and career day, not even take their child to the hospital or under-five clinic. The African man gets this from his parents and forefathers. African men have no idea what it means to be hugged or loved by their own fathers.

8. Little Accountability: The African man is not accountable to anyone or any organization but to his own ego. He does not want to account for his wife’s or girlfriend’s money. Nor his sisters or mothers money. No wonder the African man makes a terrible politician. An African man wants a free spirit that hovers around the world without anyone telling it where to land though it is past its landing time.

9. Poor Cosmetic Hygiene: The African man does not like to smell good. He likes to visit the barber to escort his friend but he does not enjoy a clean cut or shave. He would rather shave his own head even if it makes him look like a peacock. The only time an African man looks good is at weddings. All the while the women in his life wish he could just use some deodorant, perfume and cologne. But in the mind of an African man, these are all eccentrics of feminists.
10. Too Educated: An African man has more degrees than an American, European or a Japanese. African men have scavenged the world for the best education. They have sold their goods and properties, divorced themselves from social networks and relocated thousands of miles away in pursuit of education. But the real question is what has that education done for Africa? Zero. Some men in Africa have a dozen degrees; couple dozen diplomas, three dozen certificates, a thousand certificates of attendance and multiple PhD’s. Did I mention MBA’s? Yet education for an African man is a tool for intimidating others with and a bragging right rather than an inner liberation. One of the reasons the Nobel Prices have fewer African’s and more Europeans and Americas is that Africans are still doing their thesis while the other people are in the laboratory and on the ground putting into practice what they have learn.

This article is not an indictment against all Africans. Africa has produced some fine men and great scholars and parents who have contributed to the well being of society. These men have liberated Africa from its historic shackles; they have fought imperial powers that colonized not only the continent, but the African mind. To these men and women we say thank you.
We still have a long way to go. Our actions and interventions now will ensure that we liberate the next generation.

Human rights in Africa are just another academic work. Women in Zambia for example work long hours; travel long distances to draw water, still carry buckets to the labor ward for disposal or waste. Children across Africa are still child soldiers, street kids, and child fathers and mothers. All this while African leaders (majority of who are men) fly around in luxury, detached from society, content with cheap political mileage and abuse power with impunity.

Systems in Africa abuse women, abuse children and celebrate mediocre men who are otherwise called politicians. Systems in Africa ridicule men who appear like women only because these men care and are connected with their gentle side.

This article is not a slander or an attack on anyone. It is a tool bar being used to open a discussion that African men through their patriarchal leadership have avoided for years. But times have changed and it is time for African men to come clean and address this area of their lives.

Our women are crying and unfortunately our men a deafened by bouncing echoes of their own success. Or is it really success?
The author Mubita C. Nawa admits that he too is an African man who is struggling with his own upbringing.

1. Interpersonal Skills Training: Men must be taught from an early age what it means to relate to others. It must begin with self relationship. Being in communion with oneself.

2. Redefining Manhood: For generations men have struggled defining who a rue man is. Often the yardsticks are number of children, number of women, and the size of you know what. But time has come to say that a real man is a man whose emotional intelligence is greater than his IQ or even the size of tires on his car. It is time we told men that it is OK to cry.

3. Women must be Women: African men are a bit confused by African women. Women must go back to being mothers, nurturers, guides and gentle souls that men can count on. If our women are misplaced, so too will our men. It is OK for a woman too work, make money, and all. But she must never take the position of a man. She will fail.

4. Dialogue: Men must communicate more. Women must listen too without nagging. Let us talk about where or what we did wrong. Let us talk about it with mutual respect and candor.

5. Fall in Love with Humanity: Men must love their children more than their ‘adult’ toys. Men must love their wives more than their side kicks. Men must love being home more than the sports bar. Men must go back to the basics of life. Men must lead. A true man is a true leader. He is a priest, a prince, and shepherded, a lover and sure enough a man. Men must love people and the process of engaging and interacting with people. That for me is what rocks.

© 2010 Mubita C. Nawa Management Consultancy Limited. This article is written by life coach and international speaker Mubita Nawa for the purposes of edification and uplifting the human soul. No part of this article may be copied or reproduced without the permission of the owner.
The article can be quoted or sent to others free of charge as long as full credit is given to the author.
For interviews and questions call:
or e.mail
mubitanawa@yahoo. com
On face book as Mubita Nawa
or Twitter @mubitanawa.

If this article has inspired you then all is well. If this article has offended you then all is still well. What matters is that we talk about the things that confront us. God bless you. Share this article with your church, your colleagues, and everyone you know.
Make sure you use it in its entirety so that the context is maintained. You can even republish it as long as it’s not for profit. All credit must be given to one Mubita C Nawa; the Lozi African boy with a dream to brings social change to Africa and the world. -- Mutinta

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Women's clothing blamed for earthquakes..

A senior cleric in Iran is putting women to blame for the earthquakes that continue to plague the country.

According to cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighil, women's sexually provocative clothing and promiscuity are directly causing the natural disasters.

Cleric Sedighil who is the country's acting Friday prayer leader was quoted telling a Tehran publication,

“Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes."

Uhhhh sure.

He also adds ,

“ What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble? There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes."

Iran is one of the world's most earthquake prone countries and Seismologists predict that a catastrophic quake will hit the country in the future.

Iranian women are required to cover themselves from head to toe but many younger girls rebel against the rules and wear scarves that show much of their hair and tight coats.

22-year-old Purdue University student Jennifer McCreight heard about Sedighil's comments and staged “Boobquake,” encouraging other women to walk around showing their cleavage to test the cleric's theory.

Boobquake ends later on today.


The famous Hollywood sign has been saved from being spoiled by property development by a last-minute donation from Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner.

The soft-porn magnate gave $900,000 (£580,000) to the fund which was set up to stop the site being developed.

The sign is owned by the city, but the property around it belongs to a group of Chicago-based investors.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger described the news as "the Hollywood ending we hoped for".

Governor Schwarzenegger said Mr Hefner's donation and a $500,000 matching grant brought to an end a $12.5m fundraising campaign.

'Hollywood's Eiffel Tower'

It means 138 acres around the hillside sign will be protected from developers, who wanted to turn the land into high-price housing estates.

"It's a symbol of dreams and opportunity," Gov Schwarzenegger said.

The investors had planned to sell the land to developers, but agreed to sell to the trust for $12.5m if the money could be raised.

Mr Hefner, who calls the sign "Hollywood's Eiffel Tower", said: "My childhood dreams and fantasies came from the movies, and the images created in Hollywood had a major influence on my life and Playboy."

Donations came from all 50 US states, 10 countries and celebrities, including actor Tom Hanks and director Steven Spielberg.

In February, the sign was draped with a banner which read "Save the Peak", to raise awareness of the campaign.

The Hollywood sign itself, which is set high up in the hills, was initially created in 1923 as an advert for a real estate development called Hollywoodland.

It never faced demolition, but campaigners were worried the famous vista would be ruined by the sight of properties towering over the four-storey high letters.

Chocolate lovers more depressive??? eti???

People who regularly eat chocolate are more depressive, experts have found.

Research in Archives of Internal Medicine shows those who eat at least a bar every week are more glum than those who only eat chocolate now and again.

Many believe chocolate has the power to lift mood, and the US team say this may be true, although scientific proof for this is lacking.

But they say they cannot rule out that chocolate may be a cause rather than the cure for being depressed.

In the study, which included nearly 1,000 adults, the more chocolate the men and women consumed the lower their mood.

Those who ate the most - more than six regular 28g size bars a month - scored the highest on depression, using a recognised scale.

None of the men and women were on antidepressants or had been diagnosed as clinically depressed by a doctor.

'Mood food'

Dr Natalie Rose and her colleagues from the University of California, San Diego, say there are many possible explanations for their findings, and that these need to be explored.

It may simply be that people who are depressed crave chocolate as a "self-treatment" to lift mood, or depression may drive the craving without any beneficial effect.

"Alternatively, analogous with alcohol, there could be short-term benefits of chocolate to mood with longer-term untoward effects," they told the journal.

Chocolate could even be a direct cause of depression, the researchers added.

Bridget O'Connell, of the mental health charity Mind, said: "The way we feel and what we eat can be closely related, and many people will be familiar with craving particular foods or comfort eating when they are stressed, under pressure or depressed.

"However, as this study shows, more research is needed to determine exactly what the relationship between chocolate and our mood is."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Timeka Marshall - One More Day (ETERNITY RIDDIM) TECHNIQUES Jan 2010

ONE MORE DAY....Timeka Marshall....

A sensation- nikimsikiliza napotea kabisa kama vile niko kwenye mapenzi kumbe kitu cha single..ntashindwa mie...


Dear GOD I don't wanna complain

I don't wanna be a pain ... No
I give thanks for life and every single stride
Cause you've been there to be my guiding light
I know there's certain things I usually ask for
Like having success and never worrying bout paper


But all I'm asking for is

One more day one more day

One more day one more day

All I'm asking for is

One more day one more day

One more day one more day

And when I pray I know you're listening

Cause in my life you've been a blessing
When my roads were blocked you made me see
From the very beginning you were the most encouraging.

I know there's certain things I usually ask for
Like having success and never worry bout paper (Repeat chorus)

I just need to trust and you'll deliver
Have faith like a mustard seed
I can move mountains and split rivers
But all I wanna do is cure this disease

Repeat chorus


I'd forgive those who hurt me

Apologise for the wrongs I did

Spend more time with my family

And try to fix all the wounds unhealed

(Repeat bridge)

(Repeat chorus)

Shhhhhhh....did someone say Anal Vibrator?

Steven Ferrini, a 60-year-old California man was jailed after he was allegedly carrying drugs and was strapped with an anal vibrator that led to an entire building being evacuated over a bomb scare. Wait, what?

According to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office, Ferrini first attracted their attention when he reportedly parked in a no-parking zone at their Lake Tahoe Office.

A search of Ferrini led deputies to find what they believed to be methamphetamine and a “suspicious device” with an on/off switch and a wire leading from his pocket to what appeared to be his anus.

Investigators say deputies originally planned to take Ferrini to Barton Memorial Hospital to have the device removed by medical professionals, but when they interviewed him, he made claims that he had knowledge of explosives and bomb-making.

Police found Ferrini’s comments to be suspicious and contacted the El Dorado County Explosive Ordinance Disposal team and evacuated the CHP office.

EOD had the pleasant task of removing the device from Ferrini themselves, which they determined to be an anal vibrator and not an explosive device. The CHP office was reopened at 9:20 a.m.

Ferrini was booked into the El Dorado County Jail and charged with possession of a controlled substance.

R.I.P Brotha brotha....

Keith Elam (July 17, 1962–April 19, 2010[2]), better known by his stage name Guru, was an American rapper and member of the hip-hop duo Gang Starr. He was born in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury,. The name Guru is a backronym that stands for Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal and the less-often used God is Universal; he is the Ruler Universal, which are both references to the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths.

Guru founded Gang Starr in 1987, and built a sizable following in the early 1990s, releasing classic albums such as Step in the Arena (1991) and Daily Operation (1992).

In 1993, he released his first solo album, Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1. The album featured collaborations with Donald Byrd, N'Dea Davenport, and Roy Ayers, while his second LP, Jazzmatazz, Vol. 2: The New Reality, featured Ramsey Lewis, Branford Marsalis and Jamiroquai.

His "first proper solo album", in his own words, was Version 7.0: The Street Scriptures (2005), released with the help of producer and new backup MC Solar (who is not to be confused with MC Solaar from France). The album reached #1 on the college hip-hop charts, but was a failure with both fans and critics. It still managed to sell relatively well for an independent release.

Guru's last projects were the fourth installment in the Jazzmatazz series, entirely produced by Solar, released in early June 2007, and Guru 8.0: Lost And Found, released May 19, 2008 (also in collaboration with Solar). Although there were hopes for a Gang Starr reunion, Guru stated he would not work with DJ Premier again.

On February 28, 2010, Guru went into cardiac arrest and, following surgery, fell into a coma.[ He was said to have woken from the coma but died on April 19, 2010, after a long battle with multiple myeloma.

In a letter allegedly written by Guru on his deathbed, asked that Solar should manage his posthumous image, likeness, etc. on behalf of himself, and his son KC, and wished that DJ Premier not associate himself with Guru.. Members of Guru's family have claimed that Solar prevented contact with him during his fatal illness.

And from his song I am the are some of the lyrics..

call me guru that's my man premier
Now many attempts have been made to hold us back?
Slander the name and with-hold facts
But i'm the type of brother with much more game
I got a sure aim and if i find you're to blame
You can bet you'll be exterminated, taken out, done
It doesn't matter how many they'll go as easy as just one
Bust one round in the air for this here
Cuz this year suckers are going no where
Cuz my strret style and intelligence level
Makes me much more than just an angry rebel
I'm gifted unlimited rhymes universal
Mc's that ain't equipped get flipped in my circle
I'm aiming on raining on the bitch ass chumps
Cuz their rhymes don't flow and their beats don't pump
And niggaz better know i paid my dues and shit
I'm bout to blow the fuck up because i refuse to quit
I'm out to get the props that are rightfullly mine

Word brotha, only you could spit like that...



And the fixtures are..


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I am the want....

I grant you the written authority to pull my rap sheet
I know I’ve been involved in some risky business lately
but because I was lost, given and taken to the unknown
I began remembering you, 2:48am; became a stolen moment
an eternal remorse...of this 9-20 heartache...tightly held with
a long goodbye....I continued listening to the mumbo jumbo of
words said and some left unspoken and untitled...but also
left in hindsight, freefalling, from pride’s resignation
cried out “O’Wherica is my America”! Destiny brought forth dry tears
Constellation’s surrender, sang me a sweet hovered in the
midnight sky.....every 12th of July...this is why....what it is, for me a
Jublilee! And for the record, “Like father, like son....I am the one you
want.....take me....I’m yours!

By just passionate

I liked your
i even liked the faces you made
you liked f*cking...with
my emotions
making me feel like sh*t
liked going out with me at night.... then sneaking around with him
you like the fact that i was too shy to speak up but f*ck
i liked you i don't love you
see i wanted you i don't need you
I don't need someone that's going to make me feel like the prize that i am
I need someone that's going to make me want to shine
so you can call him over all you want but i hope i haunt your mental


Sir Alex Ferguson will quit Manchester United at the end of next season and Jose Mourinho will succeed him, according to reports.

The Daily Star - stick with us for a minute here - claim that Ferguson has decided to quit United after 25 years at the club and that Mourinho has already been lined up to take his place.

The curious thing about this piece of gossip is that the Star do not claim Ferguson is 'set to' or is 'likely to' quit in 2011. They simply say he 'will'.

And they are equally certain that Mourinho, who first mooted the idea of managing at Old Trafford in 2004, will take over from Ferguson.

The Portugueser is currently in charge of Inter Milan but has made it clear that he is unhappy in Italian football.


Manchester United have reportedly begun their long-anticipated search for Sir Alex Ferguson's successor after he told the club's board: "One more season and I'm out."

According to The Sun, it is now scheduled that 'Fergie will go in the summer of 2011, six months before his 70th birthday.'

Jose Mourinho remains the clear favourite to take over at Old Trafford, but there are apparently reservations about his candidature within the club because of his reputation for being 'a short-term type of boss who is always looking to the next job.'

Among the other candidates mentioned by The Sun are Barcelona boss Pep Guardiola, England's Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin O'Neill and Arsene Wenger.

Friday, April 16, 2010

LIVERPOOL UP FOR SALE..anyone....going once...going twice....and soldddddddddddddddddddddddd!

Tom Hicks and George Gillett have revealed they are looking to sell Liverpool after Martin Broughton was unveiled as the club's new chairman. The American duo said: "Having grown the Club this far we have now decided together to look to sell the club.

77 SEX POSITIONS...starting with numero is vital people


low-effort and as the name claims, pretty damn passionate. But not as low-effort as you might think... In fact it is somewhat Tiring, but satisfying, just like a long, hard workout. And like a workout, you might ended up with a pulled muscle.

Na mvua hii...numero twoooo...

Start with your guy sitting on the bench with his knees bent and legs slightly spread, leaning back with his arms outstretched and resting on the edge of the tub. Straddle him, facing forward, and lower yourself onto his penis, holding on to his shoulders for support. Keep your knees bent and feet flat as you move up and down or back and forth.

Why You'll Love It:
The space between your torsos allows both of you to watch the action. There's also room for pelvic play, so you can maximize clitoral stimulation by rubbing your bliss button against his pubic bone as you gyrate.

jumapili hii- YANGA Vs Simba...mambo yatakua kama haya,,,,

YANGA OYEEEEEE.....tuone kama utaweza kujikwabua...ati red devils...Somoe upoooooo?

DIDDY on his way to greatness.....

P. Diddy is first and foremost a rap mogul, but he's broadening his horizons these days and even has a new movie role. He stars alongside Russell Brand in upcoming flick Get Him to the Greek, was also asked to be featured in an episode of Inside the Actors Studio -- but he's having a hard time believing it because he says he's not the best actor. However, he's working on changing that.

He said: "They have been calling me for the last three years to do it, and I was kind of nervous and said, 'I'm not at that level.’ I'm looking at Meryl Streep up there, and Martin Scorsese, Al Pacino and Denzel Washington and Chris Rock.

They were saying they wanted to take it from a different perspective of somebody on the rise. I appreciated that. After doing Broadway and now with Get Him to the Greek coming out... the time is right. I still have fears though, I still have insecurities.”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

NFL Divorce -- Anger Over Abortion Decision

NFL star Chris McAlister is at the center of a nasty legal war with his wife -- who claims Chris kicked her out of their home when she refused to get an abortion.

Marlene McAlister has just filed court documents to end her 13 month marriage to the former Pro Bowler -- claiming she hasn't seen or heard from the guy since September 2009 ... 5 months before their daughter was born.

In the docs, filed Wednesday in L.A. County Superior Court, Marlene claims she's also "struggling financially" because Chris stopped paying his court ordered spousal support and medical expenses.

Marlene is also asking the court for sole custody of their 2-month-old daughter -- with Chris only getting supervised visitation -- because, according to the docs, "[Chris] has a volatile temper."



some people, we suppose, are just unlucky in love. CNN television host Larry King, 76, has filed for divorce from his wife Shawn Southwick, 50, his eighth time to do so.

The two were married back in 1997, and have two sons together. In the filing, reported first by TMZ , King cites "irreconcilable differences."

Southwick is a former actress, having appeared in shows such as Who's the Boss and The A-Team, and a part-time country music singer. Southwick was on record back in 2007, bragging that out of King's seven wives she was the only one to make into "double digits."

If you're wondering how seven wives turn into eight divorces, the secret is that King married and divorced the same woman twice: Alene Akins.

Wenger admits uphill battle

Arsene Wenger admitted Arsenal face an uphill battle to catch Chelsea in the title race after losing 2-1 at Tottenham.

Danny Rose opened the scoring with a stunning volley just 10 minutes into his Premier League debut before Gareth Bale doubled Spurs' lead just after half-time.

Nicklas Bendtner pulled one back for Arsenal late on but Spurs held on thanks to an inspired performance by goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes.

That secured Tottenham's first league win over their north London rivals in 11 years and left the Gunners six points behind league leaders Chelsea with just four games left.

"Yes, it will be difficult now of course," said Wenger. "We'll continue to fight but it makes it very difficult.
Not impossible

"As long as it's not mathematically impossible, it is not impossible.

"Our job is to fight and we will do that. But even if they drop points we are far (behind)."

The Gunners lost Thomas Vermaelen to injury in the first half and Wenger revealed the Belgian defender had suffered a calf strain which is expected to keep him out for three weeks.

Can Arsenal still win the title or does defeat to Spurs mean it is all over for this season for the Gunners?


One of the most common questions I receive from men and women who’ve been in a relationship for a while and are considering marriage is: Should we live together before we get married?

The idea of living together before getting married seems to be growing more and more in popularity. Proponents of the idea list the numerous benefits to cohabitating – most of the time revolving around the theory that by living together before you get married, you get the opportunity to get a 360 degree view of your mate, thereby giving you the means to make an accurate assessment of whether or not this is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.

While I agree that you do know a person better after you’ve lived with them, I don’t particularly agree with the notion that your new found knowledge of that person is going to be helpful in making a decision on whether or not to marry that person. I know that sounds illogical, but stay with me.

Living with someone gives you a full 360 degree picture of who they are as a person. You see them when they go to sleep and when they wake up. Having that sort of access is bound to give you more insight into the idiosyncrasies of their character that you might not otherwise know. Maybe the person presents their self as neat, orderly and organized, but once you’re there 24/7, you realize that the only time they probably ever cleaned their house was when you were coming over. Maybe the person likes to talk about all the different books they’ve read – but when you actually spend a couple months living with them, you realize they spend way more time playing video games than reading. Maybe the person snores, maybe they clip their nails on the bed, maybe they leave their shoes all over the house, and maybe they never, ever, clean their bathroom. All this stuff you’re able to find out when you live together. So you and your other decide to move in together and after a little while – you realize that they fit the description above. What’s your recourse – break up and thank God you didn’t choose to spend the rest of your life with this person right? Wrong.

I know, it seems like, with all of the above potentially hidden from your view, living together before getting married would be an obvious choice for a couple looking to go all the way. I happen to disagree. The thing about living together before you get married is, when you’re living together and you’re not married, the stakes don’t seem as high. Relative to if you were a married couple, you have way less to lose if the relationship fails. Because of this, these minor individual traits become huge issues.

They cause little fights and disagreements – those disagreements grow into arguments. In those arguments, the fact that you guys haven’t yet made the decision to be committed to one another for the rest of your lives will make both of you less likely budge and compromise. You’re like… “No, there’s nothing wrong with leaving a huge wad of hair in the corner of the bath tub”, and he’s like “No, there’s nothing wrong with leaving the dishes till tomorrow morning”. Simple disagreements like this cause huge blow-ups because no one feels the need to back down or change – especially not for someone who they might spend forever with. Chances are, you’ll both think the other is crazy and unreasonable and you’ll part ways before you ever make it down the isle – and you’ll be relieved about it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My apologies..

Got work up to my necks guys...will update kesho...much love...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Now is she smart...or Is She smart?

Talk show star Oprah Winfrey is to host a night-time programme on the cable TV channel she is launching in January.

The hour-long show, titled Oprah's Next Chapter, will take the 56-year-old out of her usual studio "for conversations and travel around the world".

The show will premiere on OWN - The Oprah Winfrey Network - late next year.

Last year, a tearful Winfrey announced her weekday talk show - syndicated in 145 countries - would end in September 2011 after 25 years on air.

OWN, a joint venture between Winfrey's Harpo Inc and Discovery Communications, will take the place of the Discovery Health Channel and launches on 1 January.

Reality show

The TV superstar said she wanted to "create a network that inspires our viewers and makes them want to be who they are on their best day."

According to OWN, Oprah's Next Chapter would be "a whole new kind of Oprah show" that would take her "from the Taj Mahal [to] the Great Wall [of China]."

It is one of a series of new programmes announced by the network, which will be available in around 80 million homes in the US.

Others projects include a talent search "to discover the next big TV personality", a reality show starring country singer Shania Twain and a series of profiles of creative "visionaries".

Avatar director James Cameron, pop singer Lady Gaga and photographer Annie Leibovitz are among those already lined up to participate.

LeBron To Likely Miss World Championships

LeBron James’ summer vacation will include a new contract (and possibly new team), a movie role, but it’s looking like it won’t include playing for Team USA.

The Cavs forward said it’s looking “very, very shady right now” (who says shady?) that he will have time to play at the world championships in Turkey for the United States.

“I got a really, really, really, really, really busy summer,” James said on Wednesday. “I would love if I had the opportunity and the time to play to represent my country and go out there and do that. But there’s a lot of things I need to take care of first.”

James will be acting in “Fantasy Basketball Camp,” a comedy directed by Malcolm D. Lee.

And of course, there’s that whole contract thing, which could include looking for a new place to live.

YEAH...I know of him...ain't he a sugar bomb?

There is a long standing notion that only single women are greedy enough to be on the look out for “sugar daddies”. They are believed to chase after rich men to date, have a fling or two with, or to get married to. Single women, I inclusive, have also been accused of greed and despising the days of humble beginnings. We have endured lectures on how to settle for educated men with potentials instead of ready-made-men who will only regard us as pieces of furniture to be added to their ready-made-lives! They say that where a lady marries a man who is only about 50% financially secure, it guarantees the man’s love and respect for her when he finally acquires many assets and has zillions in his bank account! Paradoxically, I have observed that many single men, whom I have named “Sugar Bombs”, are more in need of the above advice… for our sakes!

I can’t help but notice that many more single men are after single women mainly for material gain. These men want to date, have a fling with, or marry well-to-do women with the hope of securing their lives / future financially. Gone are the days when able-bodied men worked hard to ensure that their wives and children are properly catered for. Nowadays, many single men date only because “she is from a wealthy family / has a well paying job”. So called business men are on the increase (and I don’t mean to undermine business men in anyway). Yes, there are many business men out there who have a passion for their work and are making an honest living. However, there are many more men hiding under the façade of doing business instead of owning up to being jobless.

This is today’s recurrent scenario: so-called businessman shows interest in single woman who has a well paying job / is from a comfortable or wealthy or influential family. Initially, he looks after her and picks the tabs at the slightest instance. He says and does everything right and she falls for it. Wouldn’t you? Gradually, he intimates her of “his work”, and tells her that he is a “little” financially strained at that moment which makes sense to her – after all, he is a business man! At this point, single woman feels obligated to finance him as often as he requests it. He promises to pay her back each time reminding her that he is soon to be paid for his previous business transactions. Alas, “soon” is a day that never comes.

The typical Sugar Bomb has really good taste. He wants to drive a 2010 car, live in a nice house, hang out at the “IT” spots… however; he doesn’t want to work for it. With the little resources that he can source, he dresses nice and looks attractive in public. This impresses Miss Single Lady who is thrilled to have a good looking man. At this point, she has forgotten that she’s footing majority of his bills… directly and indirectly.

So, she sticks with this Sugar Bomb. They get married and have kids while he continues to chase after shadows otherwise known as “so-called business transactions”. Single woman (now married) on the other hand is burdened with the responsibility of holding the family together… forever. Aside from the sole responsibility of bearing the financial burden of her growing family, she may finally come to realise that her Sugar Bomb doesn’t love her… not the way he ought to since he was only attracted to her for convenience sake – she fed him, clothed him, provided him with all he required to sustain his exuberant lifestyle and even sexed him… an offer no Sugar Bomb can refuse.

Single woman, you must be his lady and not his mother! Yes, it’s great to look after your man but please, let him pick his own tabs (at least)! Let him feed, clothe and house himself. He must be independent and financially able to hold your relationship together. Even if he doesn’t have a six-figure salary, whatever he earns must be adequate and enough to sustain the two of you otherwise he is not man enough to be in a relationship with you.

Someone once asked me – “Éjire, what about love?” Yes, love is a huge consideration but in case Mr. Lover-man doesn’t have a job at any given time, he must be seen to be trying to make ends meet realistically. I say “realistically” because increasingly, men wait around for “government contracts” and business deals worth zillions. They play this waiting game for months on end… and all in vain. If he is a university graduate, advise him to get a 9-5 job! While on the job, he can map out his business strategy and should only delve into business when all is certain that things will work out and he has resources to carry out his transactions.

If you are already in a relationship with a potential Sugar Bomb, you must re-define your relationship as a girlfriend / fiancée / wife. Note that your responsibilities include loving him, loving him more, being supportive of him (without playing the role of his mother), advising him, praying for him, and yes, picking up the tabs only when its absolutely necessary.

By Ejire...Bella Naija...shiiieeettt...I should turn this article into a daily prayer..sista, u could not have said it better.

WEEKEND IS is some spice for it..

The Boy's On-the-Side

Erotic Instructions:

With your back to your partner, lie down on your side. Have him kneel next to you on the bed facing toward our head, so your bodies are perpendicular. He slides the knee that's closer to you between your legs and then enters you. You take the leg that's on top and extend it out onto the bed, giving him a better view of your behind and the chance to hold on to your hips as he thrusts inside you.

Why You'll Love It:
With the Boy's On-the-Side, you can hit all those hard-to-reach spots. The unique angle of this sideways sex creates sensations that are sizzlingly different from typical from-behind intercourse because it puts you in position to stimulate even the most tucked-away areas of your private parts.

HINT HINT...To vary the sensation for you both, open your legs ever-so-slightly — just enough to give him access to your vagina. The closer you keep them, the tighter you'll stay, and the more pleasing friction he'll feel on his member.

Siggggghhhhh what would we do without cosmo...


Seriously, did anyone see the first one???

Mr. Bean is coming back as Johnny English for a sequel.

Universal Pictures is funding this pointless project alongside U.K.-based studio Working Title and are hoping to get started on the flick by August.

What is up with the sequels...they are never as good as the first one...well, with an exception of the Bourne sequels....Nenoo

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A former teacher has just graduated from university in Ghana -- aged 99.

Now he has finished his studies, Boakye Yiadom is urging his classmates to resist the lure of higher salaries overseas and stay in Ghana.

Now he has finished his studies, Boakye Yiadom is urging his classmates to resist the lure of higher salaries overseas and stay in Ghana.

WHAT THE?????????????

Erykah Badu's naked stroll through downtown Dallas, Texas, for a music video has earned her a disorderly conduct citation.

The singer shed her clothes as she walked through Dealey Plaza until she was nude and then fell near where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Badu said the video was "shot guerrilla style," without a crew and in one take March 17.

A Dallas Police spokeswoman said earlier in the week that they wanted to press charges against Badu because children were present, but no one had called police or filed a complaint that day.

Police now have their witness.

Women go topless in protest

About two dozen women drew a crowd of onlookers when they shed their shirts and marched downtown in Maine's largest city to promote what they call equal-opportunity public toplessness.

Organiser Ty MacDowell said the point of the march in Portland was that a topless woman out in public shouldn't attract any more attention than a man who walks around without a shirt.

The Portland Press Herald reports that by the end of the march, more than 500 people had amassed - a mix of marchers, young men snapping photos, oglers and people just out enjoying a sunny, warm day.






Wayne Rooney is reported to have a 40% chance of making a shock return to action in this week's Champions League tie against Bayern Munich.

The striker's sprained ankle is believed to be recovering far quicker than previously expected and he could yet feature against the Germans on Wednesday despite officially being ruled out of action for "two to three weeks" after being injured in last week's first-leg tie.

According to The Guardian, 'Rooney has responded well to treatment and could be in line for a surprise recall to Sir Alex Ferguson's squad if he comes through a training session today.

'Ferguson will not risk the England forward if there is a chance of aggravating the injury further and last night United's medical staff attempted to play down the chances of a comeback by only rating his chances of playing as "40%".'

The surprise, however, is that his chances have been rated as high as 40% and the disclosure has prompted a number of newspapers to predict he will be named in United's squad.

'Ferguson and Rooney are quietly hoping he will be fit to make a sensational return at Old Trafford and increase United's chances of progressing to the semi-finals,' reports The Daily Mail, while The Daily Mirror says that Rooney is 'poised to return' after making 'amazing progress'.

Na wale washabiki wa Arsenal tusikie mnaongea, maana isingekuwa Walcott siku ile sijui mngeimba kwa mashavu! mxiiiiiii!

Can't wait for tonight's show! maana with Barca, that is a show...


Light exercise during pregnancy may improve the future health of a child by controlling weight in the womb, New Zealand and US researchers say.

Overweight or obese mums are more likely to have larger babies which could be at higher risk of health problems later in life.

A study of 84 first-time mothers found exercise was associated with slightly lighter babies.

UK guidelines recommend regular light exercise for pregnant women.


Alicia Guastaferro appeared on the ABC reality show Wife Swap two years ago with her parent Ralph and Karen. She has filed a $100 million lawsuit against ABC claiming they intentionally focused on her more than anyone else and portrayed her to be a spoiled brat. That led to harassment, school transfers, suicidal thoughts, and going from the honor roll to special classes.

If you go back and watch the show Alicia was portrayed as the princess of pageantry whose only job was to look pretty and focus on winning crowns. That met her parents would spend $100,000 a year on her upkeep, keep a Christmas tree up year round, do all chores, go out to dinner every night, and do all of her homework. Why would anyone think she is spoiled? Honor Roll…if you watch the show she was unable to spell America and lacked any knowledge a high school student should possess. On top of Alicia feeling betrayed her parents are facing jail time for their involvement in a Canadian telemarketing money laundering scheme and failing to declare wages from their glass tinting business. You feel bad for the girl because she is the way she is because her parents are idiots.