Thursday, April 19, 2012

Its been a minute...

Hello dearies..

Hope all has been well with you...I am not even sure if anybody comes here anymore, but if you stumble and find yourself here, karibu...I realise I went awol but forgive,life got the best of me...however..I intend to be availalble in here as much as I can..

During my absenc in here, I had a lot of time to observe on what has been going in social circles..

For Dar es Salaamians, we have had quite a few scandals that has kept the city talking..starting with the death of Tanzania's bongo movies star, Steven was shocking indeed..the day of his passing, I was with someone who got the call at 3'o clock in the was indeed shocking, and I couldnt help but wonder of the circumstances that led to his tragic death..which ofcourse has been the cover page for our beloved tabloids..

and this luscious looking lady has been proclaimed guilty by the same tabloids following her presence during Kanumba's demise..aint she pretty though..

Can I just say that i think its irrelevant to talk about how she led her life before she turned 18 because there is nothing that can be done...if she is 18, that means whatever she had with the departed was consensual and therefore none of them should be judged for being in a relationship, hell I have grandfathers who married my grandmothers when they were only 16..and although its not the medieval times no more, we still see shoosh!

Oh well..I pray for her soul, for as much I as believe she did not murder him, I also believe his death will weigh heavy on her conscious for a longgggggggggggggg time! hope all goes well with her case..I would get some really good lawyers if I were her, the likes of Alan Shore from Boston Legal..

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