Thursday, June 17, 2010

ati Men hurt more when they are broken hearted!!! do they even have hearts? lol

sorry, could help that...feminist in, take that back..but seriously u think there is any truth in this?

After any of your heart-wrenching breakups with men, you probably thought you were suffering like “no man’s business.” Well, you weren’t…particularly because ‘man’ suffers way more than you in the break-up business. In fact, according to a new study, broken hearts destroy men just a little bit more than women. Hmm. You’d think they’d be nicer about it then, ay? More details after the jump…

Women may shed more tears over a busted romantic relationship, but men suffer the greater emotional toll, researchers say.

In a study of more than 1,000 men and women, ages 18 to 23, researchers found that unhappy romances cause men more emotional grief, including threatening their identity and feelings of self-worth. Young men and women express their distress at a breakup differently. Women are more likely to feel depressed after a breakup, while men are more likely to have substance-abuse problems.

Men may be more affected by a breakup because their romantic partners are their primary source of intimacy. Women, however, are more likely to have other close relationships with friends or family members to turn to for support, said the study’s author, Robin Simon of Wake Forest University.

Nonmarital relationships are important to a young adult’s well-being, Simon said. “However, the advantages of partner support and disadvantages of partner strain are more closely associated with men’s than women’s mental health,” she wrote.

The study is published in the June issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.


Reported by Shari Roan, for Los Angeles Times


  1. kuna jamaa mmoja in high school alikuwa akinitongoza kila kukicha, kila siku anatoa machozi, didnt like the guy kiupande huo so nilikuwa naumia navyomkataa, ila nashukuru mungu kwani jamaa kumbe anamatatizo ya macho long time.. yanatoaga machozi yenyewe.. thot dude was cryn ova love... so year, zaidi wa uyo feki sijawai kuona chozi

  2. lol..Kulthum, that was hilarious..but we do have some sensitive men out there, although quite honestly, I would rather stick with my Macho man!
